Community notebook
Music in Park continues today
BROCTON — The Ahira Hall Memorial Library continues its Music in the Park series with Tito and Vince Music (TVM) today at 6:30 p.m. Raffle Basket chances and 50-50 raffle tickets will be available for purchase to support the Library at Ryckman Park. For more information, contact the Library at (716) 792-9418.
Fredonia sets National Night Out event
Fredonia’s National Night Out event is set for 5 to 7 p.m. Tuesday in the upper pavilion at Russell Joy Park. The Fredonia Fire Department is hosting the event. There will be music, bounce houses, food, face painting and family fun. All are welcome.
Library hosting story theater
BROCTON — The Ahira Hall Memorial Library will be hosting Gail Golden. Through interactive story theater, the show will venture off the beaten path and explore Dragonland, a dark forest, and an ancient Scottish castle.
This is a very participatory show that includes puppets, dancing, a sword fight, and lots of opportunities for flights of fantasy!
For more information, contact the Library at (716) 792-9418.
Brocton-Portland Seniors meet
Brocton-Portland Seniors met Tuesday at Tri Church Parish on July 30 with Margaret Jagoda opening the meeting for 53 members.
Prayer was shared by Christina Galardo and Pledge of Allegiance was led by Kathy Hobbs. Bridget Poloetta from OFA NY Connects programs talked about Medicare and Social security savings and drug plans. Committee of the day members for tureen luncheon were Tom DeJoe, Robin Carr, Marcia Zmuda, Annabelle Hahn, and Deb Messere.
Candy Philbrick, a new member, was welcomed. “I Am Loved” will be Saturday at the Community Park noon to 3 p.m. Star Apartments from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. has indoor craft and bake sale with hot dog lunch and is inside. Aug. 20 is a Senior Fraud Workshop Event at 1:30 at Dunkirk Senior Center with individual consultations available.
Flyers from Ahira Hall Library listing the many concerts at Ryckman Park on Thursdays at 6:30 were passed out. Oct. 22 is a trip to Salamanca to see the Rhinestone Cowgirls, reservation due Aug. 27 by calling Robin Carr at 716-230-4081 for all details.
Cards will be sent to Patty Ploetz at Westfield Absolut, Bev Strauser and Olive Becker. Birthdays celebrated were Linda Burton, Elaine Frederickson, Bev Strauser, Chris Galardo, Delores Fairbanks, Marcia Zmuda, Nancy Hayden, Maureen Davis, Terry Freidman, Brian Stanton, Charles Crandall and Emma McBride.
Judy Leone and Becky Addington won the door prizes followed by nine happy raffle winners. The next meeting is Aug. 27. The committee is Linda Riley, Elaine Frederickson, Rita Bennett and Lynn DiPalma. Members are asked to bring a dish to share and their own personal table service.