
Designer Pools makes splash with relocation

Designer Pools will celebrate the Grand Opening and ribbon cutting at its new location at 14650 Route 62 in Gowanda, the former Gowanda Ford, Saturday at 9 a.m.

GOWANDA — Designer Pools officially announces the relocation of its flagship store with a ribbon cutting and grand opening celebration beginning at 9 a.m., Saturday.

The celebration takes place at its newly modeled showroom located at 14650 Route 62, Gowanda — the site of the former Gowanda Ford automobile dealership — and lasts until 5 p.m.

“We are excited to kick-off our forty-second year in business from this renovated showroom and new, larger — 3,500-square-foot. — location,” said Norris Luther, president and owner. “In effort to show our appreciation to our customers and the community for their ongoing support, we extend this invitation to join us in celebrating our move from Maltbie Road to a more centralized location to better serve everyone.”

Saturday’s event includes pricing specials on hot tubs and chemicals, and free hot-dogs from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Guests can enter to win raffles, spin the prize wheel and enter to win a free automatic pool cleaner, no purchase necessary. Similar in-store specials on hot tubs and chemicals will be available at Designer Pools’ other stores Saturday to commemorate the event.

Norris Luther and his wife Sharon founded Designer Pools in 1982 from the garage of their home in Gowanda. Four decades later and with thousands of pools expertly installed, the family owned business has become the region’s premier swimming pool installation business, specializing in fiberglass inground pools and above ground pools, self-cleaning hot tubs and expert service.

Designer Pools employs 48 through its installation crew and sales staff at three showroom locations — Gowanda, Fredonia/Dunkirk 3302 E. Main St., Dunkirk, NY and 2335 Foote Ave., Jamestown — all of which carry patio furniture, chemicals and supplies. From start to finish, Designer Pools’ projects and sales are handled professionally and held to the highest standard of quality.


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