

NEW YORK STATE Missing the picture with cameras


Legislation introduced in the state Assembly this spring is the latest step in a troubling trend — law enforcement by camera. Assemblyman Fred Thiele, D-Sag Harbor, recently introduced the Protect our Pedestrians Act (A.10169) to amend the state Vehicle and Traffic Law to create owner ...

Church needs a Fulton Sheen


The devastating news out of the empire to the north is that all of the Dunkirk, Fredonia and north county Catholic Church’s, with the exception of that strange building on Central Avenue, will close. It is reminiscent of the arrogant closing of Mindszenty High School in 1979. One can argue ...



Thirty years ago — 1994 Police briefly handcuffed former Buffalo Bills star running back O.J. Simpson and questioned him for three hours after the bloodied bodies of his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Lyle Goldman, 25, were found outside her condominium early on June 13. Simpson ...

Dunkirk: City still tripping over the pennies


We cannot help but have uneasy feelings about Common Council leadership through the current fiscal crisis in the city of Dunkirk. Last week, it appeared one member was more bent on finding loose change for a new sign. “Please know that after the Council meeting, (last week) Treasurer Mark ...

Region still handcuffed with police protection


Little is more important than ensuring our safety and the safety of those we care about. Although we don’t often give it much thought, when we need help we inevitably count on the police to quickly come to our aid. It’s long past time we help them. Few have set foot in one of our local ...

Divisive remarks sour hospital ‘win’


I read the Commentary written by Fredonia Village Trustee Michelle Twichell, on the Opinion page of the June 8-9 edition of the OBSERVER with great interest. I strongly agree with Trustee Twichell’s comment that “the new hospital is a win for everyone,” but I disagree with her ...