
Community Notebook

Fredonia museum welcomes


Darwin R. Barker Museum will be open for trick-or-treaters on Saturday, Oct. 28 from noon to 5 p.m. and again on Tuesday from 4 to 8 p.m. The public is invited to explore the galleries, which are decorated for visitors of all ages.

Club Associates hold meeting

The Northern Chautauqua County Club Associates recently held its regular monthly meeting at the World War II Veterans Club, Lake Shore Drive East, in Dunkirk. Bob Bankoski welcomed the good size group to his club.

The meeting was opened with the pledge of Allegiance, followed by a moment of silence for all the deceased members of the clubs.

Secretary Jim Pryll read the minutes of the previous meeting, and treasurer Tom Halicki gave the financial report.Guests included Fredonia Mayor Doug Essek, along with his wife Julie.

Discussion included forthcoming meat parties, and the changes to the New York state liquor laws recently signed by the governor.

Also discussed was the use of state Lottery numbers in club fundraisers.

A donation was made to the Dunkirk Intermediate School musical, “Matilda,” which will be presented in mid November.

The Dunkirk Elks Lodge 922 announced it will be holding a spaghetti dinner on Election Day, Nov. 7. The public is invited.

The next meeting of the Associates will be held on Sunday, Nov. 19, at the Fredonia Beaver Club, Prospect Street, Fredonia.

Trunk or treat planned for Saturday

Residents and children are invited to join the AG Team for its third annual trunk or treat event Saturday, Oct. 28 from 3 to 5 p.m. The event will be held in the AG Team’s parking lot at 62 Franklin Ave., Dunkirk.

There will be apple cider and mini doughnuts for refreshments. Guests are also invited to take a walk through the haunted trailer.

In addition, a best decorated trunk competition will be taking place at the event.


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